Our vision is the same as every other true church. As people redeemed by the blood of Jesus, by the grace of God, we are united as a family in him, and we seek to keep that unity by loving one another and meeting together to be encouraged by His word to us, and respond to him with prayer and praise.
We are disciples of Jesus, meaning that we try to follow his example, by the power of his Holy Spirit living inside us, putting off our sinful behaviours, and replacing them with Christlike behaviours.
We work to make more disciples of Jesus, as he commanded us to, by proclaiming the good news that Jesus is king who died to save his people, and by teaching and training people using his word.
Although we cannot know the future, we would love for God to continue to grow St Thomas to be a faithful and growing church on the Cape Flats, which can train many people to begin new churches all over the Cape Flats and beyond.